Utility Token
Ideas to develop:
utility coin's value unites and coordinates all the stakeholders actions and participation towards one goal: the maximisation of the value of the Utility coin, which is designed to reflect the organisations vision, mission, values and modus operandi.
Utility coin is used as Grain in SourceCred
As the value of the utility coin is determined in free functioning market confronting offer and demand, the utility coin integrates also an important factor which is the feedback loop effect from the clients and the markets, the demand for the utility coin -as necessary payment means to acquire TBA DAO's products and services- being the immediate expression of the market's appreciation for the underlying services and products proposed by TBA DAO to its markets and clients
The utility coin serves as internal and external means of payment for services delivered: clients paying consultants, consultants paying other consultants and mission contributors and the DAO paying engineers, marketeers and other contributors to the DAO.
Beside the payment functionality, the objective of the utility coin consists in the alignment of the interests of all stakeholders, from clients and consultants to marketeers, engineers and designers. The common objective for all stakeholders is the maximisation of the value of the utility token.
The value of the utility token is determined directly by the confrontation of offer and demand in a freely accessible market and indirectly by the demand for the consulting services of the DAO by clients.
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