1.1 Vision

TBA DAO is convinced that decentralisation can help to solve severe socio-economic issues like concentration of economic and political power, the widening gap between rich and poor, unilateralism and individualism to just name a few.

TBA DAO believes that Public Permissionless Blockchains and Decentralised (Autonomous) Organisations introduce a novel paradigm in socio-economic participation, value creation and philosophy, that enables the transfer of decisional power and participative authority from a few centralised hierarchical organisational centers to a multitude of decentralised cooperative individuals.

TBA DAO believes that cooperative economic value creation and decentralised bottom-up governance and operational decisional power, together with the feedback signals from utility coins, has the potential to create superior products, services and work-environments.

TBA DAO is convinced that P​ublic Permissionless Blockchains and Decentralised (Autonomous) Organisations constitute a new socio-economic transactional infrastructure which allows for ownership of ones work and collective control of organisations.

TBA DAO believes that Public Permissionless Blockchains and DAOs enable the realisation of critical aspects that support sustainability of work and economic value creation: collective intelligence, self-adapting organisations, cooperation and multilateralism and a more direct connection between the market/the client and the value creator.

TBA DAO adheres to the idea that -as stated by Nick Hanauer- "in contrast to physics, economic laws are a matter of choice"(1) and that the DAO's constitution and its acceptance by all its contributors might proof that economics don't need to be fatalistic unequal. (1) TEDtalksDirector (2019) The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer, YouTube. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th3KE_H27bs (Accessed: November 27, 2022).

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