1.4.1 Decentralisation Committee
The absolute objective of TBA DAO consists of realising the highest possible level of decentralisation. note to self: from p8 and 9 in https://deliverypdf.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=259097009024025097117004018064097029123007000049022045107098120085099066105071122006031042029004023031050113102026120081124127047006035062014092083029007007112069069008040077020100103081025113088019075064070125004094020107108025109080072067114082116110&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE " Two popular decentralization metrics are the Nakamoto coecient proposed by Balaji Srinivasan, which measures how many distinct entities need to be combined to gather 51% of some resource, and the Herndahl-Hirschman index used to measure market concentration for antitrust purposes, calculated by summing the squares of the market shares of the market participants. These approaches, however, leave open key questions of what are the correct resources to measure, how to deal with partial coordination, and the gray areas in what constitutes a “distinct entity.” For example, nominally independent rms may have many major shareholders in common, have directors who are friends with each other, or be regulated by the same government. In the context of token protocols, measuring decentralization of token holdings by looking at on-chain wallets is wildly inaccurate because many people have multiple wallets, and some wallets (e.g., exchanges) represent many people. Moreover, even if addresses could be traced back to unique individuals, those individuals could be socially correlated groups prone to accidental coordination (at best) or intentional collusion (at worst). A better 8 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4105763 way of measuring decentralization would capture social dependencies, weak aliations, and strong solidarities. Miners and mining pool operators that together make up 90% of Bitcoin’s hashpower sitting together on a conference panel. SBTs support a dierent way of measuring the level of decentralization (or pluralism) in a DAO, protocol, or network. ● As a rst step, protocol could limit token voting to reasonably sybil-resistant (or SBT rich) Souls. ● As a second step, a protocol could examine the correlations between SBTs held by dierent Souls and discount votes by Souls (pooling them as only partially separate) if they share a large number of SBTs. (We explore the latter idea mathematically in greater detail in the context of quadratic funding in Appendix A, where we introduce a new primitive, called the “correlation score.”) ● As a third step, to zoom out and get a sense of the decentralization across the network, one could measure the correlations between SBTs held by Souls among and across dierent layers of the network stack—measuring correlations in voting, token ownership, governance-related communication, and even control over computational resources. SBTs allow us to begin to measure the decentralization of an interoperating and layered ecosystem " The following table lists the state of decentralisation of TBA DAO at constitution and forms the basis for continued efforts for further decentralisation.
The decentralisation committee has as mission to monitor and assess the current state of decentralisation of TBA DAO as well as any new developments. If a new development in the constitution, the protocol, the procedures or the architecture reduces the overall level of decentralisation, then the Decentralisation Committee has the power to block the development.
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