1.3.1 Economics of Mutuality

TBA DAO adheres to the idea that -as stated by Nick Hanauer- "in contrast to physics, economic laws are a matter of choice" and that the DAO's constitution and its acceptance by all its contributors might proof that economics don't need to lead to fatalistic unequal results. (1)

TBA DAO chooses for its own functioning as well as for its business consulting to clients economic rules and policies that:

  • avert concentration of power and pluto-democracy

  • realise democratic rule

  • avert financial maximisation as the absolute goal

  • direct wealth to those who are creating the value

  • cooperation and long term collective socio-economic value creation instead of competition

(1) TEDtalksDirector (2019) The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer, YouTube. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th3KE_H27bs (Accessed: November 27, 2022).

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