1.3.2 Decentralisation, crowdwisdom & Democracy

TBA DAO pursues decentralisation as highest objective, meaning the DAO has no central authority that controls the processes. TBA DAO pursues decentralisation of:

  • Power (capitalistic and governance)

  • Infrastructure

All contributors to TBA DAO explicitly agree with the objective of decentralisation, contribute to its realisation and don't engage in any activity that violates its realisation.

TBA DAO is convinced that economic laws are a consequence of choice and not nature. We pursue economic choices and policies that avoids plutocratic constructs and promotes democratic values.

Note to self: check how David Johnston's framework for measuring decentralization can be of use here. Johnston's framework is based on the "four pillars of decentralization," which are economic decentralization, political decentralization, geographic decentralization, and technical decentralization.

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